Reset Your Password
Click the button below to reset your password using our secure server. Once you have returned to the PersonalizationMall homepage, follow the instructions for resetting your password.
If clicking the button did not work, you can copy and paste the following link: https://www.personalizationmall.com/ResetPassword.aspx?uuid=87713393-C8AE-4EB5-9BAE-C26A293B05F1
This link will only be active for the next 30 minutes to protect your security and privacy. If you did not request to have your password reset, you can ignore this email. Rest assured your customer account is safe.
PersonalizationMall.com will never ask you to disclose or verify your PersonalizationMall.com password over email. If you receive a suspicious email with a link to update your account information, do not click on the link--instead, report the e-mail to PersonalizationMall.com for investigation.